Hi! I'm Bianca Walker, and I am a here to support you on your journey to heal, break free and identify what you desire out of life. I want to teach you how to shift your mindset, reclaim your confidence, own your voice, and create a blueprint for a life your love. I am a master at helping women reset their lives.
I am passionate about seeing women stand in their power and live the life they have always dreamed of, free from trauma, hurt, and bondage. I know what it is like to live life for other people and wake up one day and not recognize the person in the mirror.
I've made it my life's mission to use my experiences and training to help you avoid repeating the same cycle. If you're willing to do the work and climb through the icky stuff I promise it gets better.
I don't have all the answers but what I do have is a proven method that has worked not only for myself but lots of others I have helped along the way.
I'm also a wife and new mom to the most precious baby boy.
Just take the leap of faith, I'll be here to hold your hand. I am ready to help you create your blueprint and design the life you've always dreamed of.
Your life is your legacy what will you do with it? I help women and girls create their personal mission. My passion and purpose fuels me to live a life of value and substance. I am a visionary and change agent for girls and women. I've learned how to bounce back from heartbreak, defeat, betrayal, obstacles, disappointments etc. and I will teach you how to do the same. I learned how to create the blueprint for my life and live on my terms.
I am a thought leader looking to change the world one fierce chick at a time. I have a few degrees, certifications, and training in Youth Development, Political Science, Public Administration, NLP, mindfulness, coaching and leadership. I am also an ordained minister which plays a significant role in all that I do including my coaching.