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Did you know that journaling can truly change your life? Journaling just a few minutes a day can completely transform and shift your life and your mindset. Journaling has been known to relieve stress, anxiety, depression, and improve your overall mental and physical health. So why should you journal? Journaling can help you put your thoughts on paper so that you can identify patterns of behavior, your future goals and experiences that have led to your thought pattern. For me journaling has helped pull me out of my darkest moments and heal from the trauma I experienced. Journaling has also helped me relive some of my happiest moments, write down my dreams and create a blueprint for the life I desired to achieve, and find my voice to become the confident woman I am today. Journaling showed me who I was and the power that was hidden inside of me. That is why I created this journal. 


The Reset Journal is designed to introduce you to you again and help you shift your mindset. So often we lose ourselves in the busyness of life or because of the things we have dealt with. This journal is an opportunity for you to get real with yourself about where you are and where you want to be. It will transform your mind and help you leap into the future you truly desire. Your mindset is the key to unlocking your future and healing from the pain you've experienced. 

The Reset Journal

SKU: RSJ10001
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